The Extreme Bad Poetry Society founding members all lived at one time or another at high altitude, then dispersed only to reappear near a major metropolitan area of the western United States.


EBPS founder zimmie is a rocket scientist currently living near a hamlet in the woods. In an earlier existence, Toad and zimmie formed the Two Experts family of companies, of which the EBPS is but the latest in a series that spans more than four decades.


Erstwhile Porsche driver Toad left the comfort of Disk Drive Manufacturing to enter the high tech world of Mars exploration. One decade + 1, Toad left the aerospace world to begin working from other people’s offices and airplanes.  When Toad is not maneuvering his not-a-Chrysler over the highways of an unnamed western state, he can be found hiding from his children and attempting to emulate Vogon poetry. At least the Vogon poetry audience has the prospect of dying before being confronted with the ending.


Choppa PD is a displaced left-coaster with decidedly non-left coast tendencies. Deposited in an orphanage at a tender age, he matured Oliver Twist style in the care of extremist Vatican agents. Choppa chose poorly in his first foray into post-secondary education and was swept up in a government crackdown on draft-age young men. Given the choice between cannon fodder and aerial combat in vehicles consisting of 8,973 ingredients in a semblance of formation, Choppa soon earned his nickname. However, repeated incidences with airborne metals, some of which converted his carcass into “something that smelled like well-cooked sausage” convinced him that the opportunity to become a few good men was preferable to becoming a strange attractor of metal. Released from servitude by the passage of time, Choppa returned to the left coast and gradually became a rocket scientist of educated renown. Rather than commute his life sentence, Choppa migrated to a rural area south of the large high-altitude metropolitan area in the unnamed western state, where he continues to torture Jeff and Dale by his very existence.

"My softest and bestest chair in addition to being an explosive casing also emitted the soft sweet voice of a maternal creature, and the indelible sensation of her …breathing.     My life is full.

Highly factual biographical sketch items related to horses, motorhomes and Jayne Mansfield’s lap omitted.


Although fibbel is not per se an aerospace employee like the other founding members of the EBPS, he is guilty by association. Known from his days sharing the college experience with zimmie, he was smart enough not to have indulged in Two Experts Volkswagen Service. Perhaps if he had a Beetle...

fibbel lives in a less large metropolitan area, South of the large metropolitan area of the same unnamed western state, along with plants, cats, and his legs Goofy the Sixth, Spyke, Woody, and Hairy Stump. Spyke was once buried up to the socket on an island off the coast of Belize and had to be rescued by the crew of a Canadian/American/Caribbean cruise ship.


When zimmie and Toad attended high school in the less large metropolitan area, South of the large metropolitan area, of the same unnamed western state, they were acquainted with gillis's older brother, who associated with zimmie's sister's significant other. Years later, Toad and gillis ended up sharing a small chamber provided by the aerospace company conveniently located in the large metropolitan area of an unnamed western state.  As a celebration of the second anniversary of the new millennium, gillis entered the unemployment phase of his illustrious career. 

gillis is known, when he is not torturing souls with his poetry, to fire torpedoes from Syzygy, his 90' Man O'War which he occasionally sails in a reservoir located southwest of the large metropolitan area of the same unnamed western state north of where he has become domiciled. This despite his attempts to become a refugee from the polyester decade.

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